Violence and abuse affect all kinds of people in our daily life. Abuse can be physical, mental, and emotional. The scenario seems to be slowly changing but the reality is dark and scary. Violence against women since eon years is a stark reality. Violence against women in any form is a crime, whether the abuser is a family member; someone you date; a current or past spouse, boyfriend, or girlfriend; an acquaintance; or a stranger. Skimmy Gupta spoke to people from different fraternities to gauge their views on this silent crime against women.
Violence against women is a cancer spreading in the society. In this part of the world where such nefarious activities were restricted to the lower strata of the society, this cancer is spreading its tentacles far and wide. The government is making new rules, the authorities are getting stricter, the social organizations are spreading awareness and yet this menace keeps raising its head from time to time. Even the strictest of the punishments are not deterring the chauvinist men of this new world from taking up the ugly cudgels. So where does the
fault lie? The fault line cannot be drawn in so straight as to encompass the root cause. The cause is a perfect blend of various situations, circumstances and pressures. Intolerance towards each other is rising day by day, which is giving rise to such ugly incidents. It can only be prayed and hoped that sanity shall prevail one day and we shall rise to a new morning where Violence against Women shall not be read in the newspapers but in the History books.
– Gaurav Bansal, Businessman
The act of violence against women cannot be justified .It is a myth that women are weaker, as it’s important to realize men and women are the same both living forms -with none weaker. Even if women might be physically less strong, they are stronger than men in every other way ensuring economic independence is one good way of creating that balance. People who are in position to give, like most men in our society are self assume that they are stronger than women and often abuse that fact.
-Pravin Talan, Photographer & Director
Illiteracy and old laws had made the society – a man’s world. With changing times and technology, women have become self-sufficient and a woman by virtue of being a creator (always referred to as shakti) has come on her own. But violence against women is still existent, as in her growing years she’s extremely vulnerable and takes a little more time in growing up to the ways of the world. It’s in this phase that she needs to be careful.
-Vicky Idnani, Photographer & Fashion icon
It’s a shock and shame that even in this era of technological advancement and globalization, violence against women is still every evident and apparent. Though there is a decline in urban areas but rural areas continue to suffer. The only solution to this never –ending problem is to create awareness and education at the grassroot level, with the help of NGO’S. So that if someone has been sexually, physically, or emotionally abused, they could seek help from these community organizations.
– Duhita Chadha, Student, National College
The issue of violence against women has been existing since all eras. With the change in times and decades, it has just changed its ways .In today’s times, there are modern ways of violence against women which includes molestation and harassment at workplace .Domestic violence still exists even though we have stepped on the moon. Women are still suffering in many areas as far as economic independence is concerned. This is primarily the reason that woman suffers at the hands of families and siblings. The lack of basic amenities like home food and shelter should urge governments to make special amendments and programs for well being of womenfolk.
– Shikha Bansal, Stock market analyst